Advice on labour law matters

Smart Solutions is the leading expert in the field of Kazakhstan’s labour legislation.

  • 15
    HR experts
  • 67
    staffing services supply
  • the actual management of personnel records.
  • including counselling on the issues related to complex dismissals.
  • we know the latest changes to the Labor Code of RK.
Анна Кицына
Danna Abdigali
Business Development Manager

+7 727 237 68 81


Advice from Smart Solutions experts is real help in solving any problems of labour legislation, including counselling on the issues related to complex dismissals.

Personnel accounting from scratch

Our service may be of special interest for start-up companies. Within a very short time, Smart Solutions specialists will develop and implement an effective system of personnel management, customized to fit the specific needs of your business.

Preparation of documents

Preparation of documents

Drafting basic HR documents. Creating standard forms for staff charts, leave schedules, timesheets.

Registration of employees

Registration of employees

Execution of employment contracts, issuing of appropriate orders and regulations, making records in employment record books.



Assistance with filling out documents, counselling on the rules for maintaining and keeping employment record books.

Learn more about HR management by phone

+7 727-344-33-73
Call back

Outsourcing of personnel administration

We provide

Handling HR <br> paperwork

Handling HR

Performing all <br> functions of an <br> HR inspector

Performing all
functions of an
HR inspector

Legal support <br> in the course <br> of inspections

Legal support
in the course
of inspections

You can optimize

  • 1
    Cost reduction
    Outsourcing of HR record-keeping functions is less expensive than hiring a full-time HR employees in-house.
  • 2
    Reducing dependence
    Outsourcing of HR record-keeping functions rules out the company’s dependence on human resources specialists in case of their sick leaves, vacations and dismissals.
  • 3
    Reducing risks
    Transfer of responsibility for HR accounting quality to the provider — insurance against tax risks and compensation for damages by the provider in case of any errors.
highly qualified

By delegating HR record-keeping functions to Smart Solutions, you receive high-quality services from top-qualified professionals at a lower cost compared to employing your own workforce.


Our experts may provide HR records management services in the Smart Solutions’ office or directly in the client’s office, with full confidentiality guaranteed.

  • ISO 9001
  • SSAE 16
  • ISA

We work with any human resource management systems that may be in use at the client company – 1C, BOSS-Kadrovik, SAP, etc.

Audit and restoration of HR documents

Experienced auditors of Smart Solutions will check and restore human recourses documents at your company, as well as give recommendations for reducing business risks.

Auditing covers:

  • effectiveness of existing HR records management
  • compliance with labour laws
  • labour reporting management

Why Smart Solutions?

Extensive <br> experience in HR <br> auditing Extensive <br> experience in HR <br> auditing

experience in HR

We know the latest <br> changes LC of RK We know the latest <br> changes LC of RK

We know the latest
changes LC of RK

We find a balance <br> between law and <br> business interests We find a balance <br> between law and <br> business interests

We find a balance
between law and
business interests

Learn more about audit of personnel paperwork.

We are trusted
and more

Request for HR record-keeping outsourcing services

Contact us

+7 727 237 71 68

Call back

Address in Almaty:
Panfilova st. 98, office 710. Almaty, Kazakhstan 050000

See all our contacts

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